Friday, November 21, 2008

Why me?

Ok, here is the latest drama. As you all know, I have been without tv for almost three weeks. We were supposed to have it installed early morning Tuesday, but the technician called in sick. So I called Direct TV and they scheduled me out yet another two weeks. Oh boy was I angry!! Then I remebered I could call the local office and they scheduled me for yesterday between 12-4 (we all know how that goes). The technician called me at 12:30 to let me know he was WAY behind schedule (uh-uh) and he would be here later. Well his home office called here at 2:30 to see if he had made it yet-no. Ok, please call if he is not there by 4:30. I called at 4:40, he is still behind and would be here around 6:00. Alright, that would be ok, because by then, Wes would be home to help me deal with creepy cable guy. At 6:15 said cable guy calls and reports he wouldn't be here for another hour and a half. No thanks, come in the morning! Alright, now we are on today. At 8:30 he calls, he is on his way, but has ran into a blizzard. Finally makes it here at about 9:45. I call the rental agency to find out where to put the dish. We cannot mount it any where on the house, we have to have a pole mount. ARGH!! Now the guy has to dig a three foot hole in my five foot backyard. Oh wait, he has discovered that if he digs in this one and only spot, he will run into utility lines. Ok, call the "call before you dig" number. The earliest they can be out is the 27th at 10:18 (yes, they said 10:18). Oh my gosh, I just want to watch CSI. Oh yeah, the best part, Direct TV does not offer local channels in this area. I will be out of town all next week for Thanksgiving and I may as well just stuck with the second install date they gave me. Good Grief. Hold on, more rantings you ask!? Oh yes. WE HAVE MICE!! In the six years we lived in our home in Payson, not once did I seen one. I have seen enough bloody mouse carcases in the last week to last a lifetime. Our cat Daxter has always been the wilder, hunter type and now he is having a hay-day. Why is it that cats have to play with their victims before they strike? We have gotten rid of 3 live, 1 whole but dead, 2 partial, and 3 from the traps. All in one week. I am totally disgusted and mortified. Can you say creepy-crawlies, much?


The Olsons said...

Sorry that you cannot get your TV hooked up. At least you have the internet. In fact, I wouldn't worry about the TV if you have the internet. You can watch about any show online but Oprah. Go to and you can watch you CSI. There is also you can watch many shows on there too. In fact, I hardly ever watch anything on TV. I just watch practically evertything online. It's nice if you have a laptop to watch shows. But if you don't its better than no TV. Anyway, I don'tknow if you knew all that already. but you can also go to and
I hope I helped you out in any way! About your mouse problem, I'm sorry I can't help you out there. All I can say, is its a good thing you have a cat! :)
Oh one more thing. When blue stakes came and marked for us. You just had to use hand tools when digging near the lines. So you can still dig, just not with machinery.

Unknown said...

Oh you poor thing! Sounds like a mess. Good idea from Sara on the internet watching TV. I didn't know about that. I had mice one winter for some reason. They are the worst! Luckily, I had foster cats & my cat Fraidy was so good. He would catch them & take them right outside for me. Anyway - even though the cats have to play with them first, it's good you have the cat! Don't you have more than 1?

Lesley said...

Ewwwww....there is nothing worse then mice in your house! well, maybe their bloody remains. We had that same problem when we move in this house. I tell you what, Decon is the BEST! We havent seen a mouse since we put it out. We hide them behind the freezer and other places the mice like to hide, but the dog and Austin cant get too. We only keep it in our garage, try it out it has worked wonders! Oh and we just switched from direct tv to Dish HD and I had to wait for the guy to come and then he wanted me to relay all this tech crap to Skeeg, umm yah right couldnt do it when I wasnt pregnant, let alone now! I dont remember conversations from 2 minutes ago. Love the pregnant brain!

Maren said...

Save the dead mice and then throw them at your cable guy when he comes late again. I'm sorry. You're stuck with shows online if any of them are ones you want to watch....
My favorite here was when the cable guy snipped our line to install the new neighbor's cable. It took waaaaaaaaay too long to get that one solved and they had to dig and put in an entire new line. Whatever. Rocket science, I guess.