Friday, November 21, 2008
Why me?
Ok, here is the latest drama. As you all know, I have been without tv for almost three weeks. We were supposed to have it installed early morning Tuesday, but the technician called in sick. So I called Direct TV and they scheduled me out yet another two weeks. Oh boy was I angry!! Then I remebered I could call the local office and they scheduled me for yesterday between 12-4 (we all know how that goes). The technician called me at 12:30 to let me know he was WAY behind schedule (uh-uh) and he would be here later. Well his home office called here at 2:30 to see if he had made it yet-no. Ok, please call if he is not there by 4:30. I called at 4:40, he is still behind and would be here around 6:00. Alright, that would be ok, because by then, Wes would be home to help me deal with creepy cable guy. At 6:15 said cable guy calls and reports he wouldn't be here for another hour and a half. No thanks, come in the morning! Alright, now we are on today. At 8:30 he calls, he is on his way, but has ran into a blizzard. Finally makes it here at about 9:45. I call the rental agency to find out where to put the dish. We cannot mount it any where on the house, we have to have a pole mount. ARGH!! Now the guy has to dig a three foot hole in my five foot backyard. Oh wait, he has discovered that if he digs in this one and only spot, he will run into utility lines. Ok, call the "call before you dig" number. The earliest they can be out is the 27th at 10:18 (yes, they said 10:18). Oh my gosh, I just want to watch CSI. Oh yeah, the best part, Direct TV does not offer local channels in this area. I will be out of town all next week for Thanksgiving and I may as well just stuck with the second install date they gave me. Good Grief. Hold on, more rantings you ask!? Oh yes. WE HAVE MICE!! In the six years we lived in our home in Payson, not once did I seen one. I have seen enough bloody mouse carcases in the last week to last a lifetime. Our cat Daxter has always been the wilder, hunter type and now he is having a hay-day. Why is it that cats have to play with their victims before they strike? We have gotten rid of 3 live, 1 whole but dead, 2 partial, and 3 from the traps. All in one week. I am totally disgusted and mortified. Can you say creepy-crawlies, much?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Bates or Beetlejuice?
Ok, all of you wanted pics of our new surroundings. When Wes first sent me pictures of our new home, I was a little leary. My very first thoughts were "REEE REEE REEE" shower scene from "Psycho". I thought it looked just like the infamous Bates' Motel. My brother said he thought it looked just like the house from "Beetlejuice". Thanks to Jenny I got some images, thanks Jenny!!
What do you think?
Despite my worst nightmares, I actually like the house a lot. Let me tell you a little about Gillette. It is what you would call a transient town. Which means most of the people are only temporary residents. They, like us, are here for the job and when the job is done, they are gone. Well, that also means that those people are not going to buy a home just to turn around a few months later and try to sell it, so they rent. Are you with me yet? The town is basically one giant apartment building. Thus, our neighborhood. From afar, it looks like Park City with their Condos all in a row. Well, here it is one apartment or duplex after another. We were one of the very few lucky ones that got a house. And when I say lucky, I mean REALLY lucky. We got the last possible home for rent that allowed pets until the end of December. So I have yet to adjust to the atmosphere here, but for now I am content to stay at home and endure the never-ending Princess, Barbie, Diego/Dora, and Backyardigans DVDs we watch. Believe you me, I could sing or recite almost every word or song in all of the above that we own!! We are still waiting for our cable (tuesday-yeah), and I am not saying that watching tv all day is a great alternative, but when you are stuck in a two-horse town (it is way better than Evanston), it is all that we have.
Time to Potty Train?
I don't know if it is just his genetics or if he needs to learn to use the potty. Riley is our little nudist, as was his father, hence I say genetics! If he does not have pants on over his diaper, the diaper is usually off within milliseconds. He will tell me when he is dirty, but refuses to use the toilet, or even sit on it. So, we have resorted to duct tape. He doesn't appreciate the fact that his diaper is stuck, but I don't like seeing him streak by me several times a day! Fortunately, he has only taken off a poopy diaper once and we caught him before he destroyed anything. So if you have any tips on potty training a boy (I lack the utensils, if you will), please let me know!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Riley's Photography
Saying Goodbye
All I have to say about this is it REALLy sucked.
I didn't get any of pictures saying goodbye to my family because, well, I was the one with camera and was bawling my eyes out!! Not too mention the nasty rain the next morning. We were all a pretty sorry sight!
Happy Halloween
Like I said, we did Wizard of Oz this year for Halloween. Katie's kids were Tin Man (Zac), Dorothy (Whitney), and the Cowardly Lion (Evan), I had Glenda and the scarecrow. However, the scarecrow didn't want to cooperate a whole bunch. So I didn't get a good picture of the whole group together. He would stand there long enough to snap it, but would fall over so he was a big blur in the pictures. He also wouldn't wear his hat, but he still looked like the scarecrow.
The best I could do!
Evan the Lion
Hatless Scarecrow
Pretty Glenda
Riley found the make-up
Hailey is Glenda the Good Witch
Katie and I decided to go with Wizard of Oz for Halloween this year. And of course I couldn't talk Hailey into being the Wicked Wich. So I was stuck with Glenda. Katie found her this dress and Janice made her a poofy slip to help it be giant like Glenda's. I was up late making her this REALLY tall crown. She needed it for her preschool party the next morning. Don't look too closely, it isn't the greatest and of course it was way too big for even her giant head!! So she had it on long enough to show her teacher. But doesn't she look cute?
Little Wesley
Friday, November 7, 2008
Hello From Gillette
Well, we made it! Wes brought most of our necessities up last week and the kids and I came up on Sunday. We had to stay for Halloween. Saying good-bye completely sucked and I miss everyone horribly. But this is a huge blessing for us in a lot of ways, so I can't complain too much. We finally got our phone and internet hooked up yesterday, so I am back to blogging-yeah! Believe me, you might get sick of me here in the next couple of weeks because that is how long we have to wait for our tv/satellite hook-up. So as you can imagine, I am bored out of my mind. Yes, we do have movies and video games, but there is only so much Diego and Disney princess a person can take-ya know!? I am excited to start putting up pictures too. But that might have to wait, I am still trying to unpack. Which might take me awhile any way, cause I am still so tired from packing it all up that I REALLY don't want anything to do with any more boxes for awhile.
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