Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Martin's Cove

On the drive to and from Utah, we drive right by the Martin's Cove vistor's center. On our way back to Gillette, I stopped to take some pictures.

Devil's Gate--can you see why it would be called that?
'The Legend of Devil's Gate'

American Indian legend says a powerful evil spirit in the form of a tremendous beast with enormous tusks ravaged the Sweetwater Valley, preventing the Indians from hunting amd camping. A holy man told the tribes that the Great Spirit wanted them to destroy the beast. The Indians launched an attack from the mountain passes and ravines, shooting countless arrows into the evil monster. Enraged, the beast with a mighty upward thrust of its tusks ripped a gap in the mountain and disappeared, never to be seen again.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I went there when I was young - pretty crazy place. I can't believe the pioneers had to travel through that.