Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Martin's Cove

On the drive to and from Utah, we drive right by the Martin's Cove vistor's center. On our way back to Gillette, I stopped to take some pictures.

Devil's Gate--can you see why it would be called that?
'The Legend of Devil's Gate'

American Indian legend says a powerful evil spirit in the form of a tremendous beast with enormous tusks ravaged the Sweetwater Valley, preventing the Indians from hunting amd camping. A holy man told the tribes that the Great Spirit wanted them to destroy the beast. The Indians launched an attack from the mountain passes and ravines, shooting countless arrows into the evil monster. Enraged, the beast with a mighty upward thrust of its tusks ripped a gap in the mountain and disappeared, never to be seen again.

Pictures from Thanksgiving

My dad took the kids up Hobble Creek Canyon to see the fish, but they were all gone. So they went and saw the beaver dams instead. They had a great time with grandpa Mike and I was able to run some boring errands while they did so.

Helping grandma Janice make all the pies.

Showing off his new skateboarding moves.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Season of Thanks

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I know this is a little slow, but we just got back from our two weeks in Utah. It was really great to see everyone. We had a very good time taking turns between couch beds!! I have never really had huge things to be thankful other than the obvious reasons, friends, family, etc. But aren't those the real reasons to be thankful? I am thankful for my family and the love they show to me, I am thnkful for in-laws and their sacrifices and service in our direction, I am thankful for a new neice to be born in April (so excited), I am thankful for a husband who is willing to do whatever it takes to take care of his family, and most of all I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who is always there with outstretched arms. A Heavenly Father who is so willing to forgive and forget. On my way home to Gillette the other night, I made a really stupid choice and turned on a road that led me more northwest than I wanted. The thing is, I knew it wasn't the right road but I took it anyway. As I was traveling I kept getting panicked and a little scared. I tried to call Wes, but my phone was dead. I was ok, I had food, extra clothes if we needed for warmth, and I had plenty of gas. The whole time I was scared, I was also very calm. I just kept hearing, "turn around and go back to where you started." So, eventually I did. I think that was a very fitting situation to find myself in. Isn't that what Heavenly Father is trying to tell us? "Just turn around and go back to where you started." That is the atonement summed up in a few simple words. No matter where you are, no matter what situation you find yourself in, you can always get back to that place you need to be. Now, I don't want you all thinking I am this huge sinner, I am just thankful that if I do make a mistake against my better judgement, I can repent and be forgiven. I am also thankful for all of you for visiting my little, humble blog and being my friends. Happy Holidays!!